What's the most fascinating element

  • HapyMetal
    7th Apr 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    A question a kid asked me a few days ago: "What is the most fascinating chemical elememt for you?".
    I think that this is also a good question here at TPT.
    Maybe we can make a TPT vs Real life from it.

    So, i start right away:

    TPT: Not really a chemical element, but i always enjoy to play around with Protons. Because you are able to create many other elements with it, but it's very hard to keep it under control.

    Real life: Who would have thought it? Iron (Fe)
    Because of its versatility. Ok, you always need other elements to enable its potential. But simply have a look at Steel: There are thousends of different Iron based alloys, and there is still research about it.
    You also can change its properties by heat treatment.
    I'm now 18Years in my Job, but i still excited when i make a metallographic analysis of an iron alloy.

  • TPT_PL
    7th Apr 2018 Member 1 Permalink
    Why do I remember seeing a thread like this?

    Anyways, I like gallium. And caesium. Gallium because it melts in your hands and you can make fun stuff with it and aluminium. Caesium because it also melts in your hands, but when it does you technically stop having hands.
    Also fluorine becauce it destroys damn everything
  • HapyMetal
    7th Apr 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    That was a common joke at our university to 'smuggle' a few cutlery pieces made from Gallium into the mensa <-(mensa is the hall where students eat. i don't know the english word for it).<br/>You have always known when new metallurgy student have arrived. :-)