Kestrel's Patrol

  • HapyMetal
    17th Sep 2017 Member 1 Permalink
    A new TPT-Game i did.

    Be an Officer onboard the TPTs-Kestrel, and hunt enemy Ships.

    Possible positions:

    Captain: Master of the Ship. Decides where to go, and what enemy to attack.
    - Set's course and speed of the Kestrel.
    - Engages or evades enemys
    - Chooses weapon of attack
    - Manages repairs

    Radar Officer: Scanns for surface and air contacts
    - Uses scanning system to find hostile ships and aircraft
    - uses focus system to measure their distance to the TPTS-Kestrel

    Sonar Officer: Same as Radar, but with submerged contacts. Is also in command of the Depth-charges
    - Uses scanning system to find hostile submarines
    - uses focus system to measure their distance to the TPTS-Kestrel.
    - Set the Depth of the DCs, and drops them

    Artillery Officer: Is in command of the Main-Guns
    - Sets direction and elevation of the main guns.
    - Fires the guns and watches the effects

    Torpedo Officer: Commandes the Torpedo battery.
    - Enters targets course, speed and distance to the TDC-System
    - Launches torpedos

    1st. Officer: Replacement for every Station.
    - Takes command of one of the stations when neceseray

    Enlist now:

    Capt: ---
    1st.Off: ---
    Radar: ---
    Sonar: tptquantum
    Guns: ---
    Torp: TheLongGuy
    Edited 2 times by HapyMetal. Last: 17th Sep 2017
  • tptquantum
    17th Sep 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    You should do it on TPTMP instead. The commentaries system is too slow for this.