Nuclear Reactor Concept

  • quentint
    19th Aug 2017 Member 3 Permalink

    Hi :)


    I've build a nuclear reactor that is stable and auto-sustained. It work around a unique principe : a uranium core is pressurised and heat up, the heat is then used to boil water (like every classic reactor) but the unique part is that part of the steam is used to pressurised back the uranium while the other go to the classic turbine, making electricity.



    It feature manual control of all valve and controller (but some of them are overrided by safety feature), automatique control of the whole reactor from start to stop, autoregulation while running (could run undefinitely, thanks to closed cycle), emergency procedure if abnormal condition is detected and some display to monitor closely the reactor.


    While running, main turbine stay between 96 and 100 pressure, secondary chamber (used to pressurize core) between 10 and 13 and the core temperature between 1250° and 1350°.


    For curious people, here's the meaning of all control from left to right :)



    • BIG RED /!\ BUTTON : Trigger manual emergency procedure. Also border blink red while emergency procedure is activated, no matter what started it. Very little white button must be sparked to reset emergency. Emergency procedure open instantly CR, TR, T and UC valve and also activated the NO-START system.
    • RELIEF VALVE PANEL : Contains 3 valves controller. Spark green to open, red to close. Blue light display when valve is open.
      • CR : Chamber Relief : Up left valve. Used to depressurised quickly the secondary chamber to prevent overpressure to the core and protect electronic material on reactor. The CR valve open automatically the T valve. The CR valve is overrided when pressure in the secundary chamber reach 13 pressure to prevent damage to electric equipment on reactor.
      • PR : Pump Relief : Up right valve. Used to depressurised the start pump chamber. This valve is overrided by a pressure sensor next to it when pressure reach 12 to prevent damage to electronic equipment on reactor.
      • TR : Turbine Relief : Top most valve. Used to depressurised the turbine quickly. Only used manually or during emergency procedure. Do not used unless real danger due to risk of damaged to electronic equipment on reactor.
    • PIPE PANEL : Contains 2 pipes controller. Spark green to open, red to close. Blue light with pipe name display when pipe is running.
      • IN : Coolant feed pipe. System of 3 pipe feeding water to the reactor.
      • OT : Coolant drain pipe. Small pipe used to train water left on the reactor to prevent reboiled effect while stoping reactor.
    • FEED VALVE PANEL : Contains 2 valves controller. Spark green to open, red to close. Blue light display when valve is open.
      • T : Turbine Feed Valve : Left valve. Used to feed core with pressure from secondary chamber.
      • P : Pump Feed Valve : Right valve. Used to feed core with pressure from pump chamber.
    • CONTROL PANEL : Contains Uranium and Pump Chamber controller and display.
      • UC : Uranium Core Valve. Spark green to open and red to closed. Right is a two-way display which show red when valve is closed and green when valve is open. The valve is crucial and highly controlled. It can be open only under certain condition like core pressure is under 12 and temperature under 1300°. For safety reason like quick depressurisation, valve can be manually overided by sparking constantly BYP yellow button or during emergency procedure.
      • PP : Pressure Pump. Spark green to start, red to stop. Used to start the reactor by providing pressure to the core until it can be self-sustained.
      • START DISPLAY UNIT : Three-way screen display all information needed for manual start of the reactor :
        • STEADY BLUE : Pressure Pump is running
        • BLINKING RED : Pump Chamber pressure reach 10 (enought to be send to the core and heat it up significantly).
        • STEADY GREEN : Secondary Turbine pressure reach 10 (enought to switch from Pump feeding to Turbine feeding of the core).
    • START/STOP CONTROLLER PANEL : Contains AUTO-START and AUTO-STOP chip. Spark the white button to activate the selected controller. Both controller display actual state from 1 to 4. When 4 display go dark, controller has stop. There's a red X display right to AUTO-START button. It's the NO-START system used to prevent autostart of the reactor when abnormal condition is detected (Not enought water in reservoir or during a emergency procedure). It can be reset by sparking the tiny white button below. Two tiny green and red button in the middle-down of the panel are used to manually activate or deactivate COOLANT MONITORING SYSTEM.
    • MONITOR PANEL : Contains 6 displays used to monitor current state of the reactor.
      • RED Display are showing the abnormal condition that has started the emergency procedure. They will stay lit until you reset it (spark tiny white button next to it).
        • COOLLOW : Coolant on the reservoir has reach minimum safety (red line) and cooling of the reactor can no longer be available. This emergency procedure will only run if COOLANT MONITORING SYSTEM is running.
        • COREOUT : Uranium Core has reach temperature of 1600° and titanium structure can melt.
        • MANUAL ! : Emergency procedure has been manually triggered.
      • GREEN Display are showing information to the user in order to facilitate use of the reactor.
        • COOLARM : COOLANT MONITORING SYSTEM is running. It's a system that monitor the amount of water in the reservoir and declare emergency if it reach the minimum safety (red line painted on the reservoir). It is automatically started at the end of the AUTO-START PROCEDURE and stopped at the begging of the AUTO-STOP procedure. It can also be manually controlled with tiny green and red button in the middle of the STAR/STOP panel.
        • CORERUN : CORE RUNNING VALIDATION SYSTEM. Is used has a checklist for running the reactor. Once started, to maintain safety and running, valve and system should be on a specific state. If all the condition are here, the CORERUN display green and you know that you can stay like this forever. Check include : UC on, T open, IN running, COOLANT MONITORING SYSTEM running.
        • PRESRUN : PRESSURE RUN MONITOR. Inform user that main turbine has reach normal running state of at least 96 pressure. This is the pressure this reactor is design to achieve anytime on the display light when the goal is achieved.


    Okay that's it for the fairly long and detailed list of controller.


    I'll be more than happy to have your feedback about the technology used and the electronic to control the whole stuff !

    Edited once by quentint. Last: 19th Aug 2017