Powder Toy mechanics in No Man's Sky?

  • Heridium
    19th Jul 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    My username probably tells you that I'm a fan of No Man's Sky. I'm, well... quite intrigued by it, but not really a huge fan, due to the fact that the game is quite lack-luster as of now. I stumbled upon Powder Toy while thinking about the potential of NMS. Imagine that the kind of stuff you can do in Powder Toy was applied in NMS, and so the possibilities could really be endless.


    The biggest issue I see with this of course is the rendering. Even if the chemistry is very much simplified like in Powder Toy (I keep wanting to say powder cake for some reason... I now wonder if you can make a powder cake in powder toy), the rendering could still be a huge issue, if you want atmospheres of planets being made of gases and various plants and animals being comprised of various mixtures, while at the same time the surfaces and inner parts of planets being made of liquids and solids. I mean, Powder toy already can drop in frames if you have a full screen of active fire, imagine how it would be in a semi-low poly 3D game that has a lot being rendered already and that still has pop-ins to render everything within 8GB of ram.


    I just like to think how games like Powder Toy could be more prevalent and more popular if it wasn't for the rendering limitations. So many awesome possibilities! I mean, I saw in a video that someone had already made a basic computer machine with powdertoy, which is fenomenal!


    Anyway, the point of the topic is whether you think such mechanics would be possible to render within a game like NMS in any form. This, I'm sure would be quite revolutionary if it were to happen and I'm sure the gameplay would be much more exciting as a result as well, as you could make your own vehicles, ships and weapons from scratch and if combined with a more advanced proceduarl generation, well, you could possibly have something truly amazing. So what do you think?


    NOTE: Title character limit is a bit short, would have been a bit more descriptive if it was longer, but oh well.

  • docRoboRobert
    19th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm still waiting for more planet posibilities. I mean why we can visit only "easy" rocky planets. It's sad. We have entire galaxy to explote but there's no such basic thing like gas planets! I'd love too see gas planets like Jupiter or ice giants like Uranus. Even something like toxic worlds or lava/superhot planets would be amazing. We don't have to land on it. Enjoying view from space would be good too. They should really do something. The game has really huge potential but for now when you're going through planets, you can feel that they're very similar to each other and boring...

  • jombo23
    20th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Its not rendering, graphics cards are horrendously fuckin fast.


    The issue is updating the locations of all the particles.


    Suppose you use a graphics card to update the particle positions.


    A mid/high range graphics card will provide you with about 4tflops of maximum compute performance. Throw that behind a REAL physics api instead of doing feckery through compute shaders or whatever, and you might be able to simulate a small area.


    Nvidia does this with physx, kinda. It works pretty decently.


    If there was a real proper way of doing it on the gpu though, the performance would be pretty intense, assuming nothing else was using the gpu

  • G-LinuxorU
    20th Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Garry's Mod.

  • basiliotornado
    21st Jul 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @jombo23 (View Post)

     dont remind me of physx ;-; i have an nvidia graphics card and i cant run it i dont have the right shader model i think :(