Elements Cooling Down When Saving Glitch

  • cyberdragon
    18th Mar 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    Turn on heat simulator first. Then take an element (In my case it was water) and heat it or console set it to a certain (high) temperature with the save paused. When you unpause it cools down at a normal rate. Now set it back to where it was, while paused, and save it. When you unpause it now it will have magically lost several degrees. This is incredibly annoying when you have saves that are temperature dependant and you get everything just right then save it and it breaks!


    EDIT: It does it whether the save is paused or not! D:<

    Edited once by cyberdragon. Last: 18th Mar 2017
  • jacob1
    18th Mar 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    This is not a glitch, and is also just blatantly false. Temperatures are saved to an accuracy of 1 degree. They will never lose more than 1 / 1.15 degrees.

    Temperatures around room temperature will be loaded to be at exact degree marks. Otherwise it will load at a .85 degree mark. Rounding won't cause it to lose any more than this.
  • cyberdragon
    18th Mar 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    Jacob, it is blatently a glitch, possibly caused by this save. It's not rounding, it's 100% confirmed losing more than 1/1.5 degrees of temperature, about four or five degrees. I don't know what the pressure accuracy is supposed to be but it is also causing problems. It seems to not do it when paused anymore, but it's still doing it when saving unpaused.




    Take this and save it to a new save. While unpaused, type in the console !set temp dstw 379.15 then immediately quicksave. Not only does it loose it's temperature instantly, it also shatters the tungsten (that may be normal though, it may be on the edge of breaking anyway).

    Edited 2 times by cyberdragon. Last: 18th Mar 2017
  • jacob1
    7th May 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    This is now fixed in the latest snapshot

    Snapshot 77:
    Fix ambient heat being reset when creating saves

    That is the actual bug, not that things cooled down when saving. This bug would only happen when ambient heat is on, like your save. jacksonmj figured it out back when you created this thread. It took a while to fix it because I had to modify the save format to save ambient heat (I also recently made it save air and velocity)