Extend HUD

  • QuanTech
    1st Jan 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi. I think the HUD should be extended to show the particle fields of dead particles (e.g. SPRK (.ctype = 0) + PROT). It'd be useful for debugging things. If not, then how would I get properties of dead particles with a lua script? Happy New Year!

  • jacob1
    1st Jan 2017 Developer 0 Permalink
    Dead particles don't exist, .type is 0, .life is reset to the next value in a linked list, and all the other properties aren't cleared but still don't matter because the particle doesn't exist. I don't see a reason to support any method of getting information on particles that once existed but are now dead.

    Also I already fixed the PROT+SPRK bug. It's not something you'll ever need to debug.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 1st Jan 2017