How big is the powder toy?

  • Thunderbird9
    28th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    How big is the powder toy?

    I don't mean how popular or download size; I mean what is the simulation size?

    How big is each pixel?

    millimeters? meters? Decimeters?

    If there isin't a simple answer like that, then could you tell me the size of a pixel of a specific element.

    PHOT perhaps?

    Thankyou for any help.

  • Mrprocom
    28th Dec 2016 Moderator 4 Permalink
    One in-game pixel is like any other pixel on your computer, which means the size of one in-game pixels in units like millimetres or inches differs depending on your screen resolution.

    If you want to calculate the size of the simulation in inches, take the size of the workspace and divide it by your screen's DPI (dots per inch) and you will get the size in inches, then you can convert that to any unit you like (millimetres for example) pretty easily.

    For example, the workspace size for the game is 612px x 384px (I think, I measured the entire thing including the space where you can only place WALLs), I have a 85 DPI screen, so the workspace size in inches is:
    • Width: 612 / 85 = 7.2in = 182.88mm
    • Height: 384 / 85 = 4.52in = 114.81mm

    So 7.2in x 4.52in or 182.88mm x 114.81mm for screens with the same DPI as mine. And yeah, I checked the size with a ruler, the measurements I got were the same. you can do the same thing to calculate the size of one pixel, just divide 1 by your screen's DPI and then convert the result to millimeters (I'm guessing you use metric units), mine turned out to be 0.299mm.

    For an easy way to do all that, use an online tool like this one to do all the calculations for you, that tool I linked also has a section within the same page where you can determine what your screen DPI is pretty easily.

    By the way, in large screen mode, each 1 x 1 in-game pixel becomes 2 x 2 computer pixels or whatever they are supposed to be called.

    For your other question, I don't understand what you mean, isn't 1 pixel of PHOT equivalent to 1 in-game pixel which is equivalent to 1 actual pixel? If you need to know the sizes to make a powder toy save or something, then I don't know, use the most common DPI and base your calculations around it?
    Edited once by Mrprocom. Last: 28th Dec 2016
  • coryman
    28th Dec 2016 Member 3 Permalink

    Depends. I mean, you could go off the size of STKM, which is presumably a human, and say 10 pixels is 1.8 metres. Or you could argue that if one pixel is a proton or neutron, each pixel is smaller than even an atom. Or, you could say that a single pixel of TNT doesn't work at either of those scales, so it's clearly a different one.
    My personal opinion: it depends. A city made of concrete and ANAR with buildings being 20 pixels tall makes sense. A human taking up most of the height of the screen makes sense. Just whatever suits the thing you're making really

    Edited once by coryman. Last: 28th Dec 2016
  • Thunderbird9
    28th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @Mrprocom (View Post)

     Thankyou. though not quite what I meant. It still helps; coryman also thought of this in the same way I did. But now you have shown me this. I understand it another way. I realise that the powder toy simulation is not meant to be to one scale as it can be on multiple. So in essense I can make what I want of it and not worry about specifics. This may or may not be a very confusing comment I just wrote. But thankyou for helping me.