Save uploaded to page 2

  • coryman
    22nd Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    This is a weird one. I saved a map I was making privately, added signs and my logo and fixed a bit up, then publicly uploaded it. But when I went to the "By Date" uploads to add a comment, it wasn't there. Instead it's on the second page, which makes it way less likely to be seen.

    Reuploading it doesn't move it forwards at all, resetting powder toy had no effect.

  • jacob2
    22nd Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    You can only bump a save every 3 hours. If a save was saved or uploaded in the last 3 hours, resaving it won't bump it to the top.

    I guess it doesn't check to see if the save was actually public or not.
  • coryman
    22nd Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh, okay, thanks! I guess I'll just reupload it later then.