WTF Mod announcement

  • TPT_PL
    8th Dec 2016 Member 2 Permalink

    So, I want to make a WATAFOOK Lua mod with many changes to elements. Post here changes you would like to see (eg. liquid PLNT), reactions (CBNW + BIZR = LOLZ), or maybe new mechanics (STKM repelling bad substances like URAN, PLUT, CAUS). Be creative!


    Oh, mods, don't move it to Lua section, since it is not yet made. Thx.

    Edited once by TPT_PL. Last: 8th Dec 2016
  • EaterOfCake
    9th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    "4) Do not post mod announcements. These are threads that announce a mod that will be released in a year or months from the thread. They may also ask for suggestions. Most of these never end up getting released for a few months, or ever, and just give false hope to the people who think it's real. If you want suggestions, there is the feedback forum, and a mod suggestion thread. You can post these threads if you have proof you have started (ex. Github commits, or a few elements made)"




    EDIT: Removed double quotes that were annoying me.

    Edited once by EaterOfCake. Last: 11th Dec 2016
  • QuanTech
    10th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @EaterOfCake (View Post)

     Well, asking for suggestions is fine. But yeah, this shouldn't really be in "General".

  • EaterOfCake
    11th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech (View Post)

     It's still announcing a mod that doesn't exist yet. Also, "they may also ask for suggestions" could be interpreted either as:

    "They are allowed to ask for suggestions without it being a mod announcment."


    "These mod announcments may contain a request for suggestions, but it isn't allowed anyway."

  • DanielGalrito
    11th Dec 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    What happened to all your other projects?

  • TPT_PL
    11th Dec 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    @DanielGalrito (View Post)

     Um, some day, they will return. Me thinks about removing crystals from mEEC (sry, but they aren't as fun as I thought they would be, again sorry).

    Also what about a new pack for BDS; Nitric & Azanes Pack?