14 / 1
17th Aug 2014
25th Mar 2015
No Description provided.


  • thepowderscientist
    21st Mar 2015
    but ofcourse its lava -.-
  • Shy-Guy
    13th Dec 2014
    Fake! It's Lava!
  • ProtoBlast
    9th Nov 2014
    My mistake: Tmp higher than 1 doesn't cause BMTL to rust, only to convert METL to BMTL. It also goes down until it reaches tmp 1, which makes it rust.
  • ProtoBlast
    9th Nov 2014
    As a result, part of the METL is converted to BMTL, which has a tmp of 1, and rusts for that reason.
  • ProtoBlast
    9th Nov 2014
    I already knew how lava's tmp works, but what I didn't know was that BMTL, when it has a tmp of 1 or more, rusts, and when it has a tmp of 2 or more, it converts nearby METL into BMTL, and gives said METL a tmp equal to the BMTL particle which converted it.
  • ProtoBlast
    9th Nov 2014
    Through some testing I found it out: the answer is in BMTL's tmp setting. That lava has a ctype of BMTL, so it becomes BMTL when it cools down, which is normal. However, the lava also has a tmp of 100, which is the tmp BMTL will have once lava cools down.
  • thepowderscientist
    5th Sep 2014
    wat no... ITS METAL add pressure to it... it wont break
  • qwertar
    3rd Sep 2014
    It's okay. Fast change of temp, and it's broken. Just like you add some cold water to the hot glass jar, it breaks.
  • Atomic10
    23rd Aug 2014
    I hope the developers see this!