A New Useful Element!

  • DriftKing
    9th May Member 0 Permalink

    I would like an element called Bismuth-Telluride.  (BiTe) or (Bist) It would be used for cooling, fridges, air conditioning, and more. When electrified it would become cooler and cooler and finally cold. (Absolute Zero) It would be in a solid or powder form and stay in a gas form. Basically it would be solid or powder that would cool down when electrified. Also it could be bluish, silvery or look like the real chemical.  Thankyou for taking your time to read this suggestion. Bismuth-Telluride is also a semiconductor, so a Bismuth-Telluride bar that is sprked would get cold.  Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion over it being a gas. FYI it is not a gas, it is a powder or solid! It is a powder or a solid! [Bist] could be solid and [BiTe] could be a powder. Description= Bismuth-Telluride, cools down when electrified. That could be for solid (Bist). Description= Bismuth-Telluride, in a powder form. That could be description for powder (BiTe). The Element is a semiconductor and I'd like to show an analogy of my thoughts.  Pscn will be represented by '+'.  Nscn will be represented by '-'.  Bismuth-Telluride will be represented by '_'.  Note: These are not faces. A Pscn pixel connects to Bismuth-Telluride pixel bar 4 pixels long, for example. A Nscn is connected on the other side of the Bismuth-Telluride. In total we have 6 pixels. When you sprk them, half of the Bismuth-Telluride gets cold other half gets hot. The hot side is closest to the Nscn. The cold side is closest to the Pscn.  Analogy 1 is: (BT will temporary stand for Bismuth-Telluride.)                                 Pscn BT BT BT BT Nscn so when electrified/sprked it would be: Pscn ColdBT ColdBt HotBt HotBt Nscn. It will also gradually heat up. Please let me know if you don't understand something, in comments. I will make a save later to give you a better analogy. Ok that is all bye. :) Oh, I also made the analogy save, ID:3109231.  Or you can search, user:DriftKing. 

    Edited 6 times by DriftKing. Last: 14th May
  • powder_is_epic
    10th May Member 0 Permalink

    use refridgerant EDIT and honestly this is just refridgerant but you have to spark it, which makes it WORSE refridgerant.

    Edited once by powder_is_epic. Last: 10th May
  • MachineMan
    11th May Member 0 Permalink

    The only difference being that RFRG liquifies and heats up under pressure.

  • DriftKing
    12th May Member 0 Permalink

    The major difference is that it can be controlled in circuits/ TPT Electronics and it just needs to be electrified. So basically the opposite of a electric heater. :)

  • EnganK
    12th May Member 0 Permalink
    It's essentially an inverted NBLE, but with absolutely no interesting reactions.
    How about somehow coupling it through reactions with existing "cold" elements such as CFLM, C5, FRZZ and ANAR (which can burn in CFLM)?
  • DriftKing
    12th May Member 0 Permalink

    Please reconsider thinking its a gas. It is a solid or powder! Please understand. -_-

  • EnganK
    12th May Member 0 Permalink
    What part of my message says it's gas?
    However, you can also call your element inverted TUNG, but this does not change the general essence - it has only one not very interesting application.
  • MachineMan
    14th May Member 0 Permalink

    @EnganK (View Post)

     I think that since you compared it with NBLE, he assumed that you thought it was a gas.

  • kit237
    26th May Member 0 Permalink

    1) the post is written illegibly, try to write everything point by point
    2) as others have already said, the element is useless, it also violates the suggestions rules (rejected element list, Freezer/Heater) and this suggestion will be rejected/ignored
    3) in the save, make a sign attached to the post, just write in it "{t:27057|forum's post}"

  • DriftKing
    31st May Member 0 Permalink

    I'm a new user. I'm a very terrible forum thread writer and I'm not a expert in life. :(