Inconsitent results

  • flameaway
    27th April Member 0 Permalink

    I'm using the BOYL/URAN reaction to create heat.  I can create two identical object in exactly the same order and get different heating results.


    Save: 3103946


    Why the big difference in temp between two identical objects?


  • EnganK
    27th April Member 0 Permalink
    This is most likely due to the objects being aligned differently relative to the pressure grid
  • flameaway
    27th April Member 0 Permalink

    How would I go about making sure I get the same alignment each time?

  • EnganK
    27th April Member 0 Permalink
    Press g to display a 4x4 grid (matching the pressure grid), then make sure that each placed object is positioned equally relative to the cells of this grid.
  • flameaway
    28th April Member 0 Permalink

    Thank you.