More realistic body v5

  • BunkerStrikerUA
    2nd Feb 2023 Member 2 Permalink

    Screenshot of a save





    1.ISOZ - heals heart stop

    2.GLOW - increases heart beat rate

    3.DESL - halves the heart beat, needs lots of OIL to deactivate

    4.OIL - deactivates effects of DESL

    5.LITH (charged) - restarts the heart, causes mild temporary arrhythmia




    1.MERC - toxic, causes mild temporary arrhythmia

    2.PSTE - blocks heart beat, addicting

    3.POLO - toxic, radioactive, hot

    4.GEL - mangles flesh

    5.EXOT - toxic, increases pressure


    New mechanics:



    1)When the body is starving the heart will die

    Heart - heart beat rate is increased

    1)Heart beat rate is increased when GLOW (adrenaline) is present in body's blood

    2)Heart dies if it beats too quickly

    3)Heart is beating when brain isnt damaged and it didn't stop




    1)Lungs will increase oxygen levels if it isn't damaged or receives oxygen

    2)Oxygen in body's blood will increase oxygen levels




    1)Health will decrease directly if body's blood contains a toxic element

    2)Health will increase if the body isn't dying

    3)Health will decrease if the heart is stopped

    4)Health will decrease if the upper torso or head of the body is missing




    1)If oxygen has run out then brain will stop

    2)If heart stopped then brain will too




    1)Body's happiness decreases with pain

    2)Body's happiness increases with nourishment and PSTE (alcohol)


    New tools:


    wireless defibrillator - can restart the heart

    surgical knife - makes a small hole in material in front of it

    surgical healer - puts artificial flesh in front of it

    syringe - ejects fluids directly from it's tip

    artificial organs - function like real ones

    inhaler - used for making body inhale a gas without gas escaping and causing a perfomance decrease

    chutes - fast way into body's blood or lungs or mouth

    alien sucker parasite - used for "strategically injecting acid into body"

    New indicators:

    Brain activity graph

    Blood pressure graph

    Health graph

    Body limb integrity chart

    Happiness meter

    Oxygen meter

    Nourishment indicator

  • That_PowderToy_Guy
    25th Nov 2023 Member 0 Permalink


  • Desty
    27th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Maybe you could fill all that space with cool stuff.

  • TheLolBox
    29th Dec 2023 Member 0 Permalink

    Cool! Will there be more stuff in updates?

  • Kaven
    11th April Member 0 Permalink

    can we talk about how it gets drunk with paste? I wouldn't want to do pottery in this world