TPT Moderator Applications

  • jacob1
    29th Jan 2023 Developer 0 Permalink
    For all interested, we are now opening applications to become a TPT Moderator. We would like to gauge interest, see how many mature and willing candidates we have for this position.

    As a moderator, you will be given the new "halfmod" status, which includes mod powers both in-game and on the website. This will let you handle save reports, comments, forum posts, and other issues needing attention. You'll work closely with existing TPT Staff to quickly handle rule violations and keep the peace. An existing presence on Discord or IRC is important so we can all keep in contact with each other with actions we've taken or potential problems we've noticed.

    We hope that expanding the modteam can help clear up gaps where no moderators are available. While I nearly always have some level of availability, during times I am gone there can be large gaps. The expected workload is not very high, as TPT is a relatively small and stable community. On the application we ask for the hours you may be active. Complex issues like spam and abuse prevention can still be handled by the existing modteam.

    I will keep applications open for around a week. Timing may change based on the amount and quality of responses. If you are picked, I will send you a private message. I will announce here once a final decision is made on the number and names of new mods. Even if you aren't picked, I may keep your application for future reference in case we look for more mods in the future. And as a final reminder, the purpose of this application is to gauge interest. If there isn't appropriate interest by enough quality candidates, I may decide to put off new mods at this time.

    Anyway, the link you are looking for:
    Apply to be a moderator here
    Edit: Applications are closed now. Thanks to everyone who applied!
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 5th Feb 2023
Locked by jacob1: Click the link to apply