PSA: Trolling and Harassment Issues

  • Sylvi
    14th Aug 2019 Moderator 11 Permalink
    I'd like to take a moment and discuss an issue that has been on the rise lately. It's come to my attention users have been trolling (ie getting the reaction of other users for fun) through insults or harassment in comments or saves. Additionally, users have been mass downvoting all of another user's saves, either as part of the harassment or in response to it. We've also noticed an increase in comments or posts related to encouraging suicide or death of users. These may be either as a joke or as a part of trolling.

    Let me say that we cannot stress this enough - these are serious violations of the rules. They will not be tolerated and will be dealt with swift, harsh punishments.

    I'd like to also point out, should you or anyone you notice feels threatened or harassed by a user, report immediately to a staff member. If there's an on-going argument, we advise you to simply drop the matter and report the situation. Often times, a failure to report makes things difficult for us to determine what has occurred. These types of violations are not a joke and may lead to offline consequences should they continue without proper staff intervention. Therefore, it's imperative we address the issue as soon as possible.

    To report a user, please click the report button on the save the issue is happening on. If it is happening across multiple saves, please mention it in your report. You only need to leave one report, and don't worry about reporting your own save, the point is to send a notice to a moderator to come look at the issue and take action as soon as possible before it escalates further.
  • Supercrafter
    16th Aug 2019 Member 1 Permalink

    Yeah, why can't they just not do it??

  • NF
    16th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     This should of been locked, then put it in important topics. 

  • Sylvi
    16th Aug 2019 Moderator 1 Permalink
    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)
    The thread has been set as the MoTD on the game client for a couple days. So placing this in the important section isn't required. We intentionally left the thread open for discussion.
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 16th Aug 2019
  • NF
    16th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     It's a good topic don't get me wrong! Just worried about spamming, like the old Rule Thread. Nobody took it seriously. If memory serves me correctly.

  • Sylvi
    16th Aug 2019 Moderator 1 Permalink
    @NUCLEAR_FOX (View Post)
    We already take extensive discussion before publishing these kinds of threads. Multiple staff members are consulted for effectiveness of these announcements before release. It's not something we take lightly and have factored in what types of discussion may occur in the thread
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 16th Aug 2019
  • East_Europe3339
    14th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    ill not fail you. actually someday ill seek trolls and spammers. on tptmp too or just the site?


    edit: sorry for necro, i didnt checked the date


    edit: my report button will be hot as molten iron! (because of clicking)

    Edited 4 times by Test1234. Last: 14th Dec 2019
  • NF
    15th Dec 2019 Member 1 Permalink

    @Test1234 (View Post)

     It's best for the mods to do this, just report it, if you see any trolling and spam. 

  • East_Europe3339
    15th Dec 2019 Member 0 Permalink


  • Rashoneh
    3rd Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Spamming joined/left will be likely be annoying much, porably it's trolling me at same time.


    EDIT: i tried to make link as image it can't because it is unkown :(

    Edited once by Rashoneh. Last: 3rd Jan 2020