Compiling TPT++ on debian/ubuntu

From The Powder Toy
Revision as of 01:34, 4 November 2018 by nikigameplay (talk | contribs) (Updated liblua dependency from version 1.2 to version 2)
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To compile TPT++ you need to do the following:

1) Open your Terminal and type:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev liblua5.1.0-dev git scons libfftw3-dev Adjust the command / package names for your distro if not on Debian or Ubuntu. You might have some of these packages already installed, so if you see "X is already newest version" just ignore it

2) Run git clone git://

3) Navigate to your folder containing the TPT++ source code (The-Powder-Toy) and just type:


You can also use --no-sse to compile a legacy version for ancient computers (or your Raspberry Pi!), or -j4 to compile with 4 cores (or how ever many you have). For other arguments, see the list of all Sconscript flags you can use

4) Once scons has finished compiling (it will say "Done building targets" in the terminal), you'll find TPT executable in build/ folder, it will be named either powder, powder-legacy, powder64, or powder64-legacy, depending on the options you used.