Official Game Feedback

  • BoredInSchool
    23rd May 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    AAUGH! Does anybody know if theres a beta build with the stress simulator, or at least an ETA on when we can see one? I want this now and I can't wait any longer. The GTA 5(I am not advertising) wait has destroyed my patience for waiting....
  • Simon
    24th May 2012 Administrator 1 Permalink

    Beta 79.3 is out, it makes quite a few improvements to the particle rendering for decoration editor and, a feature to prevent Lua scripts from freezing the game with infinite loops and a load more. Awesome new feature: Element searching, press 'e' on the keyboard to bring up a screen where you can search for elements, pressing enter will select the first result and you can left+right click as well.

  • jacob1
    24th May 2012 Developer 2 Permalink

    Full list of changes, copied from the pull request I just made:

    Fixes to fusion and adds oxygen fusion (needs Newtonian gravity)
    Better live parts rendering in the deco editor and fixes some bugs with it (like the color picker)
    Fixes EMP flash
    Adds fast heat increase to PUMP/GPMP and makes GPMP default to on
    fixes a crash with the lua console (tpt.setfpscap(1))
    Prevents accidental infinite loops with lua
    Updates the README.
    Fixed a crash with spark reset (could create invalid elements if modified with console)
    Prevented creation of disabled elements by using it's number instead of it's name.
    Added the ability to create custom lua graphics functions (will update wiki with info later)
    Made VOID more customizable (set it's ctype, it will only absorb that element. If it's tmp is 1, it will only not absorb it)
    element search: press 'e' (not by me)
    a few other very minor things probably

  • mimic
    25th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    spwn dosent transfer heat to other things lol 

  • billion57
    25th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Simon (View Post)  &   @jacob1 (View Post)


     The VOID thing will be so EXTREMELY useful!!!!

  • snateraar
    25th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    Hm, I've noticed you can place 'hidden' elements such as 'LOLZ' using the search menu :>

  • mrsalit0s
    25th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @snateraar (View Post)

    I've made a Lua script that add all secret elements to the regular menu :> much easier than using the new search function. nevertheless a useful new feature.

  • limelier
    26th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Yay new beta

  • tommig
    26th May 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @billion57 (View Post)

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    YAY! I suggests things into official!

  • baizuo
    26th May 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Element search is fxxking awesome!!!

    But no good for tools, search HEAT result in nothing


    Then the improvement comes to my mind is that, search also works for tools group and life group and walls

    Search t, to, tool or anything alike will list all tools, so to life and walls

    While search will not list element in these group individually, search heat will not list HEAT for example


    Search group name will list all element in that group, maybe a new row? (match, related, group)

    For example search liq you'll get 0 match, few related and liquid group

Locked by jacob1: Too long to read through and update