Most Wanted Feature

  • Matera_the_Mad
    5th Jul 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    I would be ecstatic if liquids flowed realistically.

  • Doucx
    5th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    The gate circui!

  • moonheart08
    5th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @Doucx (View Post)


    @Matera_the_Mad (View Post)

     this COULD happen, maybe. Someone would have to be up to the task of writing it, but i'd love this as well. :)

  • archived_account
    9th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    i want ability to hack votes $_$

  • luptakmartin454
    10th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Hi, I really want bigger world to create and more particles that can used on actual screen, I think that build really good Nuclear Station but reall CPU or GPU using TPT and please add group of elements of Periodic Table, I think thats this elements but create this group Hydrogen will be under H Lithium under Li like this, but existing elements is under HYGN but in group of PT (Periodic Table) is H and in place will be HYGN {H} [<ctype>] [<temp>] .... I hope that my requirements will be meaningful to you. Thanks

  • NF
    10th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @luptakmartin454 (View Post)

     That would be really boring and TPT isn't meant to be realistic, or a every element simulation.

  • Cracker1000
    10th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @luptakmartin454 (View Post)

     There are some mods which give u a bigger map than vanilla tpt.

  • imkira3
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    My most wanted feature would probably be an easy way to layer, or a way to skip ahead one particle at a time. The latter would make creaking subframe tech much easier, seeing how each particle and the particle order of activation affects everything would be incredibly useful for understanding the how and why of the smallest fastest electronics. Yeah that's my vote. Hell, I bet you could do it with a LUA script, but it would have to skip all the empty spaces or it would take too long.

    It would also have to be able to switch the viewed layer so you can see each particle activate 4th-dimensionally.

    Edited once by imkira3. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • LBPHacker
    15th Jul 2018 Developer 2 Permalink

    [...] a way to skip ahead one particle at a time. The latter would make creaking subframe tech much easier, seeing how each particle and the particle order of activation affects everything would be incredibly useful for understanding the how and why of the smallest fastest electronics [...]

    Already doable with tpt.setdebug(8). Just issue that command, hover over a particle, press shift+F, and every particle from 0 up to that particle's ID will be updated. When you press shift+F while hovering over a particle with a higher ID, the particles from the previous particle to the new particle will be updated. When hovering over nothing, all remaining particles are updated.


    I don't use this myself but I hear that it's pretty useful.


    EDIT: Quote functionality is broken, sigh.

    Edited 2 times by LBPHacker. Last: 15th Jul 2018
  • imkira3
    15th Jul 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Sigh. They should fix it then, it sounds incredibly useful. If I went through all the old versions of TPT maybe I can figure out what part of what update broke functionality. Maybe functionality could be restored with a few commands. I hope so, the alternatives would of course be modifying the newest version every update, or contacting a TPT mod and asking him to insert the feature in the next update. It doesn't seem that hard to at least contact the staff here, they seem rather active, and if I can do it with a script I could upload it to the TPT Lua database.

    Do you have any clue what version that feature was added, and/or what version the feature was removed? If you could give me even a general approximation it would help alot.

    Edited 2 times by imkira3. Last: 15th Jul 2018