
  • tptquantum
    13th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech (View Post)

     Actually the best wall ever should also be offensive by using subframe BRAY cooling, subframe EMP, and... a SOAP cannon?

  • G-LinuxorU
    13th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @QuanTech Heaven's Borders are super old. Almost as old as Heaven's Gates. I can crack Heaven's Borders with a fusion bomb, no Azure reaction required.
    Here's the strongest Wall I've ever seen, i'm 99% sure it's the strongest wall in TPT.

    I've even made a wall that's azure-resistant using; Psts, Crmc, Ttan Shld& Anar.
    Anar works wonders against fusion reactions because it works against gravity, it snuffs the fusion reaction from the inside out. mixed with Crmc&psts, which get stronger under pressure, and Ttan& Shld which block pressure&heat.

    C5 is kinda cheap, cold bombs are never good. And there's no constructive reason to use bcln(cflm) or bcln(ln2) because they would get cloned into the sim at absolute zero, which would probably break any fusion reaction. Only good way to get rid of C5 is with an Azure bomb's Warp storm. So I don't use it in my wall.

    I don't remember who made it, but i remember one of the most frustrating walls I've ever tried to break through was just alternating layers of (5-layer thick) C5 and Vibr.
  • minecraft-physics
    14th Jun 2017 Member 0 Permalink
    I personally really like DRAY for construction - for an example of a 'bomb' made out of it,

    Dray tutorial:

    Original suggestion thread:
    Original Suggestion Thread
  • TOTMGsRock
    26th Sep 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    The new TPT update suggests a new durable element – HEAC. HEAC is destroyable only by LIGH, although HEAC conducts heat instantly. HEAC + INSL + DRAY + PSCN is probably the best combo. Thanks for the DRAY tutorial btw.

    Edited once by TOTMGsRock. Last: 27th Sep 2017