The Unrealistic Science Mod Revamped!

  • firefreak11
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    The entire Standard Model, plus most antiparticles. Tau leptons are next. What do you suggest they do?

    Also, I have perfected Muon Catalysed Fusion, so when one muon hits one hydrogen, the hydrogen fuses very quickly with a release of heat and pressure, then proceeds to decay into a neutron. Any other particles produced in the fusion get blasted away very fast. If this is attemped with large ammounts of hydrogen, most of the hydrogen just burns before it fuses.

    EDIT: The reaction, if done perfectly, will produce one (sometimes more) PLSM that cools to NBLE, one PHOT, one NEUT, and one MUON.

  • Amaria
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Could we atleast be on the version 83 source? Its the last source that is in C, so porting this mod to that version shouldnt be hard.

  • firefreak11
    8th Nov 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @Amaria (View Post)

     That is a good idea, once I am not busy with these subatomics anymore, I will try to remember to do this. Also, after this mod is done, I will upgrade to the most recent TPT++ source and make "The Realistic Science Mod"

  • Michael238
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @firefreak11 (View Post)

     In terms of the particles, tau leptons should have a similar fusion reaction like muons. The difference here is that because the tau is heavier, it can catalyze the rest of the fusion process. For example, a tau hits one NBLE and fuses it to CO2. Antiparticles could perform the same reactions as with regular particles, but with a twist: the results of their reactions will also be antiparticles. An example of this could be that if an antinucleus collides with a positron, it creates antihydrogen, which could be coded as HYGN(AMTR). Another suggestion concerns strange quarks. That would be allow strangelets to be made. This would work by having NCLN collide with a strange quark. The strangelet might also turn other NCLNs into strangelets. Finally, there is the higgs boson. This could be made to dampen gravitation fields around it. If it collides with a graviton, it is absorbed, but increases the graviton's gravity.

  • firefreak11
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Michael238 (View Post)

     O.O Great! This will take a while, but I will try all of this. I might change some stuff... When I'm done up to this point, you can test what I have for v2.0.3 for me.

    EDIT: In addition to the earlier mentioned muon catalysed fusion, the decaying particles also have a rare chance of producing PROT, NCLN, NCLS, and SING

    EDIT: The sing also has a chance of uncompressing very shortly after formation. More particles could be produced, including H2, which will most likely react with a remaining muon. This is a possible endless cycle of spontaneous creation.

  • lorddeath
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Michael238 (View Post)

    Let him work on it, he is still figuring out how to get it to work like PLUT and DEUT.

  • firefreak11
    8th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @lorddeath (View Post)

     Thats for trituim and positron. I havent gotten around to fixing that yet. I also need to fix the part where when subatomics hit materials they slow down

  • lorddeath
    9th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey Firefreak? I was wondering i have a new PC and all and me and AngrySpam98 aremaking a mod but he's missing AGAIN and I was wondering if I can join the Mod staff?

  • firefreak11
    9th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @lorddeath (View Post)

     I have not heard from him for a very long time. I hope he's not dead...   You want to join? Code some good elements and send them to me. Then you can join. :D

  • lorddeath
    9th Nov 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I'll need to get my Visual studio C++ going.