2 / 0
29th Oct 2011
21st Dec 2012
No Description provided.


  • ssccsscc
    24th Dec 2014
    What is it?
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    did you draw the ANIM, then draw deco on it?
  • clono10
    16th Dec 2012
    hmm i still dont understand how u do that is it like from heat or what
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    also, I think pause is broken in my mod. I will look into this sometime and fix it.
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    this save is old, I sort of messed up, but the animations can really be made much better.
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    Animated LCRY: Found in the powered elements menu. In the decoration editor, press left or right to change frames, and paint each frame normally. Press Del to delete a frame or press Ctrl+right when going to a new frame to copy the old one over to the new one. PSCN activates it, and the speed that it changes depends on its temperature. NSCN deactivates it. METL pauses/unpauses it. Advanced stuff -> If you set the tmp2 of the PSCN or NSCN that (de)activates it, you can set which frame ANIM starts or freezes at. Also, you can use the tmp of the PSCN to set the delay for the first frame. You can have a maximum of 25 frames, unless you use the lua command tpt.maxframes(num), where num is the new maximum, between 1 and 256. Using that command will reset all existing ANIM. If you delete a lot of it at once, the game will freeze for a while, just wait until it keeps working. Copied from the readme.