11 / 1
12th Mar 2020
6th Apr 2020
The lock you cannot pick it nor you can use their exploits. Vampireax's "Pick for all locks" actually uses a brute force attack by using a tesla coils. You surely won't pick it without using the correct Superkey for my lock. Absolute Security!
lock security antihacker keycard key superkey unpickable pickproof padlock bray


  • PangeaUltima
    12th Mar 2020
    Brandon8ball: You have actually made a expensive version of my factory super keys, but it is unlicensed.
  • Brandon8ball
    12th Mar 2020
    i got in using a lock pick i saw and it looked like one of the keys (and i did the pick)
  • Brandon8ball
    12th Mar 2020
    id:2518551 :|
  • Vampireax
    12th Mar 2020
    This is a really good lock. You used some things I would have added to a lock. Anyway.... ID:2518417