49 / 6
10th Jan 2017
13th Feb 2017
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hailcthulhu virus system space planet earth galaxy universe solarsystem vivus


  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    ...also, looking at the size of those damn rocks, those things should be large astroids by now, flying all over space. And wts is happening here? Is the star's core of Vesteige or whatever that its dancing around space with the Red Dwarf's gravity? Because then the people who thought making Earth-A9 a second human home is super dumb as the orbit is not stable, let alone the large chance of shards of rock the size of meteorites coming down once a month from the remains of Veistege.
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    ...AND how is that thing keeping in orbit anyway? It seems to be made out of random rocks floating around what seems to be the star's core(Not to mention that is also damn near impossible) and nothing holding it in place, which would have made the shards of rock making up that thing go flying and stabbing the red dwarf ad other planets.
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    AND not to mention the Vestige thing "Fracture Planet"? HOW did a darn PLANET FRACTURE? Unless there is a Supermassive Black hole that broke apart the rock constructing the damn thing(Which is not the case or every planet in this damn place would have gotten ripped apart) I see NO WAY of ANYTHING stripping that planet.
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    I may be looking too far into this, but that "Planet" makes NO SENSE at all!
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    AND not to say there is a LOT of chance that "Planet" rams into another planet, killing all Vivuses AND thats just infected flesh, right? Then how is it(The virus that infected the protein) still alive? surly even if the husks tried their best, at least some are bound to starve and die.
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    the centre of the planet starts to turn into oil from the gigantic pressure and gas pillars of methane will form underground, occoinaly breaking a hole in the frozen surface of flesh and bursting out.
  • optimus2006
    28th Oct 2018
    I'll let everything pass exept the Vivus Home "Planet". If it's just infected PROTEIN, it's kind of like a gigantic glob of flesh, which will certanly NOT be able to hold up the pressure of the whole small "Planet" crushing on it, slowly freezing the outside of the glob of meat as
  • zqasd
    14th Jan 2017
    *sets planetary nuke on trils* *the top of earth-45(or something) melts* *1-2 hot protons reaches vivus morbus homecell* *vrsg spreads into space* everything got infected and burned* *no more earth-45!*
  • mad-cow
    13th Jan 2017
    This actually looks fabulous. Love it.
  • xXFuzzeeXx
    12th Jan 2017
    Jesus, this is cool. +1