127 / 20
27th Jun 2016
5th Jul 2016
Particles' positions and colors were calculated with a Lua script I put together. View with decorations enabled (preferably also with viewing mode 8) and unpause to watch the gravity diffuse the galaxy into a cloud of particles orbiting a central mass.
spiral dontpress7 spore galaxy bigbang universe gravity nothingdisplay changegpmptemp


  • Fnaf65
    28th Jun 2016
    and his name is changestart
  • Fnaf65
    28th Jun 2016
    someone copy your save
  • FrenkeeS
    28th Jun 2016
    lol - watch to center of the galaxy for 1 minute and than look at wall ...its sick :D
  • godhydra
    28th Jun 2016
    It goes from a spiral galaxy to an irregular galaxy. Shouldn't I be dead? Like, about a billion years ago? +1
  • Skitz
    28th Jun 2016
    However it came, I am glad that this, my most successful save ever, became noticeable.
  • diehard899
    28th Jun 2016
    i don't understand why this got so popular all i did was +1 it and it becomes a sensation XD
  • Weretyu777
    28th Jun 2016
    This almost looks like the spore logo.
  • theclownbrothers
    28th Jun 2016
    @Shmolendevice; Newtons Universal law doesn't have anything to do with time dialation, Newton Stated that gravitational force is universal and doesn't involve time in his equations. There is no Big T involved anywhere in his gravitational equations, That is Einstein's work in relativity.
  • theclownbrothers
    28th Jun 2016
    @Shmolendevice I am also talking about angular velocity because "Gravity" is the explanation of why stars are "bound" to a galaxy in the first place.
  • theclownbrothers
    28th Jun 2016
    @Shmolendevice; The hypothesis of dark matter distribution causing the so called "Galaxy Rotation Problem" A Scientist was given a nobel prize for the solution that dark matter plays a role, So does the central super massive black holes. These Theories are solututions to the Observations. Next up is the theory that explains why the observations show us the universe is expanding exponentially faster -- Dark energy.