Fissle gas and Energetic solid

  • MachineMan
    6th April Member 0 Permalink

    I know all about neutron reactions; it's just easier to get HYGN using electrolysis and easier still by mixing ACID with LITH.  And your making HYGN from electrons and neutrons made from photons, so technically my statement still stands.  I opt for obtaining OXYG from electrolysis and mixing HYGN with DESL in a recycling unit to make more WATR to perpetuate the process.

    It's easier than thermonuclear fusion.

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 20th April
  • EnganK
    6th April Member 0 Permalink
    it's just easier to get HYGN using electrolysis and easier still by mixing ACID with LITH

    Once again I repeat: the whole point of what I call synthesis here is to obtain elements without using clones. And at the moment there are no reactions that create ACID or LITH, and in order to make hydrogen by electrolysis, you still need to get water somehow.
    And your making HYGN from electrons and neutrons mad from photons

    This does not change the fact that hydrogen is made from photons, just with the addition of a couple of intermediate reactions.
    mixing HYGN with DESL in a recycling unit to make more WATR to perpetuate the process

    And again: this machine uses CLNE and CONV to produce DESL, while we are talking about producing things without using these elements.
  • MachineMan
    7th April Member 0 Permalink

    Some production chains, not all but some, can only start with raw elements (elements that can't be made via reactions), like EXOT production; sometimes I just happen to use those kinds of production chains and there's nothing wrong or boring with that.  Could I have synthesized DESL?  Yes, but I wanted the recycling unit to be smaller; I'm all for complex factories in tpt but I have to draw the line somewhere.  If you want to avoid using clone variants whenever possible, you be my guest.  But some elements, like EXOT, can only be synthesized by raw elements, and that's when clone variants or anything that functions like clone variants (such as CRAY and DRAY used to make endless elements) are necessary.  You don't have to make factories like that, but other people, including myself, have chosen to do so.  Not being able to make an ISTO production chain without clone variants is not a good reason not to implement these elements.  I was just trying to suggest some elements I thought would be cool and instead I find myself in an argument over nothing.  And nobody else who uses clone variants in their prodution chains even came in and tried to back me up on this.  Did anyone even see the part where I actually found a way to implement electromagnetism into tpt that wasn't just a copy of the newtonian gravity engine, or the part where I made my case about how BHOL and SING should be immune to virus?  Nobody's even infecting them with virus; it won't break saves.  If all that's gonna happen of this thread is arguing then let's just lock this thread.

    Edited 2 times by MachineMan. Last: 16th May
  • EnganK
    7th April Member 0 Permalink
    Could I have synthesized DESL?

    No, because the only way to make DESL is by processing NITR, which does not have the reactions that create it.
    some elements, like EXOT, can only be synthesized by raw elements

    EXOT can be synthesized without using cloned raw materials, and there are several saves demonstrating this.
    not a good reason not to implement these elements

    I never said that I was against adding these elements, on the contrary - I support adding them because they will allow you to synthesize one more element, as well as get some other things in a "cooler" way. The only problem was the requirements for very high gravity, but not the inability to synthesize raw materials (namely EXOT and DEUT).
    If all that's gonna happen of this thread is arguing then let's just lock this thread

    If you really don't want to try to understand what I'm even telling you, then yes, locking this thread would be the best option to end the argument.
  • powder_is_epic
    7th May Member 2 Permalink

    I might not be able to, (that magnetar stuff sounds REALLY complicated) but i am going to try to code this. I will probably add some extra elements like a element that allows you to synthesize EXOT, DEUT and NITR

  • MachineMan
    8th May Member 0 Permalink

    @powder_is_epic (View Post)

     Happy to have some support on this. +1

    Edited once by MachineMan. Last: 8th May
  • powder_is_epic
    8th May Member 0 Permalink

    i am working on like, 4 other lua scripts right now but, i will try to get to this one sooner rather than later

  • MachineMan
    8th May Member 0 Permalink

    Ok.  *thumbs up*

  • Kitrae
    9th May Member 1 Permalink

    Hey! just letting you know but i might try to work on this as well. Need something to do and this looks fun 

  • MachineMan
    9th May Member 0 Permalink

    @Kitrae (View Post)

     Sounds good; the more the merrier.